MODULO II: Masaje de cadenas miofasciales

Course Myofascial Chains MODULE II Myofascial Chain Massage An Original Sequence by Silvana Marveggio Duration: 30hrs and video with the whole sequence  In module 2 you will learn a combination of diverse manual techniques under the vision of myofascial chains and the knowledge of the anatomy that we addressed in the first module. Sign Up […]

MODULO I: Cadenas miofasciales y su aplicación a la postura y el movimiento.

COURSE Myofascial Chains Taught by: Silvana Marveggio Lisc. Physiotherapist / Professor of Anatomy / Yoga Teacher and Founder of Alinea  Course Overview  Explore the interconnectedness of muscles and fascia during this comprehensive two-part course. Ideal for yoga teachers, fitness trainers and bodyworkers, this course provides a solid foundation in myofascial anatomy (module 1) and practical […]